Thursday, October 13, 2022

Longmeadow Celebrated 150th Anniversary in 1933

Source: Springfield Republican
Sept. 10, 1933

In 1933 the town of Longmeadow, Massachusetts celebrated its 150th anniversary!  The Sesquicentennial was a 3 day event held from October 13th to October 15th.  Those 3 days brought many former residents back to visit Longmeadow and to enjoy the celebrations.  There were town residents who opened their homes for their guests who were family members and friends, so all could enjoy the celebration.  Longmeadow was the first town in MA that was incorporated after the Revolutionary War. 

A souvenir book was published to commemorate this anniversary of Longmeadow.  It was edited and published in 1933 by Edgar Holmes Plummer.

Click the link below to view inside this book.  

Longmeadow Sesquicentennial Official Souvenir:  150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Town of Longmeadow, Massachusetts         

In this book the program for the 3 day event was published.

Click to enlarge and view.

There were many events that took place that weekend!  Of special interest was the dedication of the Richard Salter Storrs Library on Saturday, October 14, 1933.  Later that Saturday evening there was a Colonial Ball that was held at the Community House. 

Oct. 15, 1933
Springfield Republican

During that weekend the Community House was the location for a Historical Meeting, a Luncheon, a Tea and a Ball.  This 3 day celebration included activities for young people and for older people.  It was the 150th Anniversary of the Town of Longmeadow, Massachusetts and it was celebrated!

~Written by Judy Moran      

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