Wednesday, December 14, 2022

1923 King Tut Lecture Given at Community House

Egyptologist Arthur Weigall
"at the Temple of Edfu
before 1913"
courtesy of Roger Bragger

It's so interesting to learn about subjects that fascinated residents of Longmeadow and the surrounding communities 100 years ago! One topic of interest to them was the discovery of mummies in Ancient Egypt.  In November of 1922 the British archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered and opened the tomb of King Tut-ankh-Amen (King Tut) in Egypt's "Valley of the Kings" at Thebes.  News traveled and so many people everywhere including the United States were very interested in this discovery!  That included the residents of Western Massachusetts!  

The following year, on December 14, 1923, a lecture was given at the Longmeadow Community House about this discovery!  The British Egyptologist Arthur Weigall captivated his audience with his lecture titled, "Recent Discoveries in Upper Egypt"!  Mr. Weigall had been present when the "inner shrine" of King Tut-ankh-Amen (King Tut) was opened.

Springfield Republican
Dec. 11, 1923
(Click to enlarge.)

Arthur Weigall toured the United States in 1923/1924 giving a lecture tour and sharing information about this discovery. 

Arthur Weigall
Archeologist and Author
former Inspector General of Antiquities
for England

Local residents were very curious and very interested in learning about "King Tut".  Advertisements for this special lecture at the Community House were found in the Springfield Republican newspaper. Tickets for this event cost $1.00 and could be purchased at Steinert's in Springfield, MA and the Longmeadow Drug Stores in Longmeadow. 

Springfield Republican
Dec. 13, 1923

It was an event that so many people attended and enjoyed!  Today in the 21st century, many of us remain curious about the Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamun.  We are fascinated with Egyptian history and the ancient pyramids and their contents.  We take opportunities whenever possible to visit special exhibits at museums and/ or read articles about "King Tut".  We do have similar interests as the residents of Longmeadow and the surrounding area did- 100 years ago. 

Additional Sources: Springfield RepublicanDec. 14, 1923.   

~Written by Judy Moran  

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