Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The First Patriots' Day- April 19, 1894!

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Boston Morning Journal
April 12, 1894

On April 19, 1894 the state of Massachusetts celebrated its first Patriots' Day! It was a legal holiday with the Proclamation signed by the Massachusetts Governor Frederic T. Greenhalge.  That day businesses throughout the state were mostly closed and people celebrated, including businesses and residents of our local area. 

(Click image to enlarge.)
Springfield Daily Republican
April 18, 1894

For so many decades there had been a holiday in April called Fasting Day.  It was a holiday that included people fasting and praying and it was celebrated before the planting season began.  However, this holiday was not celebrated as much at this time period. 

Both towns in Massachusetts, Lexington and Concord wanted a day set aside to honor the battles fought in their specific towns during the Revolutionary War.  Both towns also wanted to be the center of the celebration.  Gov. Greenhalge decided to make the holiday a statewide holiday.  It would be named Patriots' Day!

Patriots' Day was celebrated on April 19th every year from 1894- until 1969.  That year the Massachusetts Legislature changed the date of the celebration to the third Monday in April.  Today, we will remember the fact that the first time that Patriots' Day was celebrated in Massachusetts was on April 19, 1894!  

~Written by Judy Moran          

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