Sunday, March 2, 2025

"Go East Young Woman"

Sarah J. Lee
1903 Graduation Photo
courtesy of the University of California, Berkeley

We learn about many individuals who lived in Longmeadow many decades ago. Some young men left this town and followed their dreams. There were also young women who left their families and their friends and settled in other areas of our country. One young woman who left her family and friends was Sarah J. Lee. However, Miss Lee was born on the West Coast in Alameda, California. The year was 1882. She had a twin sister, Esther. Both sisters graduated from the University of California, Berkley in 1903. Sarah became a teacher in a high school in Riverside, California. 

In 1918 during WWI Sarah J. Lee traveled to the East Coast- to Philadelphia. She found a position at the Independence Bureau of Philadelphia. It was a company that dealt with fire and accident prevention. In the year 1920 Miss Lee left Philadelphia and traveled to Springfield, MA. She had found a new position at a large department store in Springfield, MA. The department store was Forbes & Wallace. Miss Lee became the employment manager at Forbes & Wallace. This was a position that she held for over 25 years before retiring from this company.

Forbes & Wallace
Springfield, MA
courtesy of Digital Commonwealth

Sarah J. Lee never married. She was a successful dedicated employee at Forbes & Wallace. After arriving in this area Sarah lived in Springfield. One dwelling where she lived was at 108 Byers Street. 

In 1925 she lived in a house on Longmeadow Street. The house was a historic home that was located at 536 Longmeadow Street.  In 1927 the house was rented by Edward H. and Bertha H. Gamwell and Miss Lee continued to live in this home.

536 Longmeadow Street
Longmeadow, MA
Date: October 1917
courtesy of Digital Commonwealth/ Longmeadow Historical Society

In 1932 Mr. Gamwell passed away and his wife moved away. Miss Lee continued to enjoy living in this house.

It was in 1937 that Sarah J. Lee became a homeowner. She purchased this house at 536 Longmeadow Street from the owners Guy S. and Lillian F. Perkins.

Springfield Republican

Nov. 7, 1937

Miss Lee lived in Longmeadow and commuted from her home to work in Springfield. In her free time she enjoyed driving her car and traveling throughout New England. There were trips to California to visit her family and stay connected with them, but Longmeadow, MA was her home. Miss Lee passed away in her cherished home on March 6, 1950.

Now, her home is located on the campus of Bay Path University. It is known as the Longmeadow House- Human Resources Dept.
536 Longmeadow Street- side view
Longmeadow House- Human Resources
Bay Path University Campus

More history about this historic home was written by Judy and Jim Moran and is located below:

Click image to enlarge and to read.

Additional Resources: 1910, 1930, 1940 U.S. Federal Census and The Springfield Union- March 7, 1950.

~Written by Judy Moran     

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