Thursday, May 4, 2023

Henry H. Emerson- A Longmeadow Farmer

Henry H. Emerson and His Niece Edna C. Fay
ca. 1902- 1927

On May 16, 1922 the Murdough Bros. grocery store in Springfield, MA advertised in the Springfield Republican that asparagus was available to purchase.  Every morning day a "fresh supply" arrived.  Many people would recognize the farm's name- the Emerson farm in Longmeadow, MA.

Source:  Springfield Republican
May 16, 1922

Henry H. Emerson lived at the family's homestead at 476 Longmeadow Street in Longmeadow, MA.  This house is known as the Cooley- Emerson house that is located at the corner of Longmeadow Street and Emerson Road (Depot Road).  Henry was a farmer.  He, his sister Annie and his step-brother Paesiello all lived at this address in 1922.  Annie was a teacher and an authority on Longmeadow history.  Both Henry and Annie were unmarried.  Paesiello was the retired widowed gentleman who took up the hobby of photography later in his life.  His beautiful photographs of Longmeadow at the turn of the 20th century record the history of our town.

Henry Emerson farmed the family's land.  In the early 1890's he was one of the largest growers of raspberries in Western Massachusetts.  Many of the young people in town worked harvesting the ripened raspberries.  Asparagus was another crop that he grew and sold.  In early May of 1903 frost damaged part of his crop.  The crop in 1914 yielded 300 to 400 pounds daily.

Asparagus Field Gone to Seed

Digital Commonwealth/ Longmeadow Historical Society

In 1913 Mr. Emerson harvested wheat.  His wheat crop was the only wheat crop in Longmeadow.

Henry H. Emerson's Wheat Stacks

Digital Commonwealth/ Longmeadow Historical Society

He grew sunflowers and corn, also!

The end of the season.
September 5, 1918

Digital Commonwealth/ Longmeadow Historical Society

Quite often when we think about the Emerson family, the names Annie and Paesiello come to mind quickly.  Annie's and Henry's brother and Paesiello's step- brother William F. Emerson served as Longmeadow's Town Clerk.  However, Henry H. Emerson was the family member who cultivated the land, grew and harvested crops for so many Longmeadow/ Springfield area residents.

Once again, we can thank Paesiello Emerson for taking these photos (that have been colorized).  Now, we know more about Henry H. Emerson who moved to Longmeadow, MA in 1872- with his parents and family at the age of six years. 

Additional Sources:  Springfield Daily Republican- May 4, 1903; Springfield Republican- Jan. 26, 1943; 1870, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1940 U. S. Federal Census.

~Written by Judy Moran        

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