Monday, May 22, 2023

The Parsonage

The First Church of Christ Parsonage
741 Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow, MA
June 1907
(Click image to enlarge.)
Digital Commonwealth/ Longmeadow Historical Society

In June of 1907 the Parsonage for the First Church of Christ was located at 741 Longmeadow Street in Longmeadow, MA.  It was home to the Pastor Rev. Henry Lincoln Bailey and his wife Nelle Clute Bailey.  Rev. Bailey had accepted his new position and came to Longmeadow in 1901.  He served in this official capacity until retiring in 1916.  Rev. and Mrs. Bailey then built a house at 169 Crescent Road and continued living in Longmeadow.

(Click image to enlarge.)

The Parsonage at 471 Longmeadow Street was built closely to the site of the home of Longmeadow's first Minister, Rev. Stephen Williams.  In 1846 (long after Rev. Williams had died) the Williams house had been destroyed by a fire.  Funds were then raised by the parish and the Parsonage was built.  It became the home and Parsonage for Rev. John Wheeler Harding who served the First Church of Christ from 1850- 1891.  Many more Ministers lived in this home.

In 1921 this Parsonage was moved to 777 Longmeadow Street which was south of the First Church of Christ.  A new building, the Community House, was built at the former location of the Parsonage. 

(Click image to enlarge.)

Sources:  1907 Longmeadow Street Directory; 1917 Longmeadow Street Directory and "Ministers of First Church of Christ in Longmeadow From 1716-1999". 

~Written by Judy Moran               

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